HAhaha. talking about screwing with peoples minds....
I just saw this funny "Just for laughs" video clip, where they
manage to REALLY scare people senseless. Wow just
look at those peoepls reaction to this awesome prank.
Hhehe this is so cool, they must be releived that its not
really the grim reaper thats coming to get them!
Awesome prank!! Dont you think!?


Chef Cheiro said...

thanks dude, i've ad yours on my site


Chef Cheiro said...

Thx dude! i've add your on mine.


msquared said...

I've added your link to my blog.

Michelle said...

Hey, great video that one, I had a good laugh. Thanks for the link offer, I've added your link to my site jokevault.blogspot.com and put you in my joke search http://joke-swicki.eurekster.com/videos !

Michelle said...

Just for laughs, help me judge my wedding joke competition at


I've got 20 entries, the best joke wins a digital camera! Next month I'll be putting on a birthday joke competition, so if you send me your I'll create more links to your site!